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How to Use: Project Planner


small business owner

Study No.

2 of 7

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Bella owns a small business and is in charge of all of the creative: photography, marketing, illustrations, and the youtube channel. This can sometimes feel like trying to gather and tidy a bunch of buzzing and ever changing bees into a letterpress tray! Things are always moving, her days are always shifting depending on what fire needs to be put out, and she needed a planner with enough space in the monthly to jot down her schedule and a few running to-do lists, organized by category. The running to-do list is handy because she never knows if she has 15 minutes to get something done or a few hours, so when she has a minute she can pick and choose the project to work on.

Tip from Bella:

Charts Are Friends

"Clearly, I love a chart. And, yes, there are digital spreadsheets for this type of thing, but the chances that I'll actually use those sheets are very, very, very low. Creating these quick charts helps me see where I am in certain projects which is insanely helpful as I will often break up parts of multiple projects and batch them together. I love that my Project Planner keeps my charts in full view!"