About Laurel
Well, hi. I’m Laurel. I’m a wife, a mama, an almond milk latte lover, and a shameless planner girl.
As a young child, I can remember going into my favorite stationery shops with a mini fold-over purse that I "borrowed" from my big sister, and a heart that was totally and completely devoted to the Shenanigans massive sticker wall. [Cue the soundtrack with the heavenly sunbeam.]
But, more than those itty bitty stickers and their perfect shine and placement, I’ve loved a system and a plan since before I could really understand what either of those things were. I can still remember the desk I set up in my mom's office, complete with my own graph paper pad, a ceramic bear pencil holder that I made at art camp, and a solar calculator with symbols that my 2nd grade self had (and I still may have) no clue how to use. There, pretended to work.
It's therefore no surprise that when I found myself as a freshly graduated art student actually working in a corporate 9-5 job, planning a wedding, and trying to get my small jewelry business off the ground, I was compelled to create a planner system that would work for me to organize everything — in a way that my brain could genuinely engage. With the help of my best friend one Thanksgiving, we designed the original horizontal planner layout right in the middle of her kitchen on, you guessed it, a graph paper pad. No solar calculator needed, thank goodness…
With the planner by my side, the wedding was planned, the jewelry business got off the ground, and I said goodbye to corporate life — I’ve been running this business ever since, enjoying days of actual and pretend work.
“...I’ve loved a system and a plan since before
I could really understand what either of those things were.”

Nancy, Queen of Creatives
A movie that makes you cry?
Okja. (This was a really bad cry. I do not recommend.)
Favorite piece of clothing you own?
A vintage, three piece, 70s suit I snagged at Low Vintage in Charlottesville!
One thing you’ve always wanted to try.
A solo Appalachian trail hiking adventure.
What was a typical day for you growing up?
In high school, I would wake up at a specific time (my alarm clock was set to something like 6:23 am) which gave me the perfect amount of time to shower, get dressed in the outfit I planned out the night before, eat breakfast, pack my lunch, and drive to school. After school, I’d go to my piano lesson, study and do homework, go to ~3 hours of dance class, and then do more homework before bed. This is what I did every week day! No wonder today I love a super structured day marked out in my planner.
Lined, Dot, or Grid?
Dot page obvi: perfect for creating something structured, but open enough to sketch or get free form with!
Favorite Pen?
I have been using my Pro Mach 0.38 Morning Glory pen for journaling, and I love it so much that it’s slowly creeping into my actual planner!
Sunday or Monday Start?
Monday start. How did I survive growing up with Sunday start week on all my calendars??
Rounded or Sharp corners?
Rounded corners! I think of them as “friendly”.
How did you come to be a part of Laurel Denise?
I found Laurel Denise back in 2015, when Lolly needed someone to manage her jewelry studio! I started out making jewelry, then managing wholesale orders, then doing the product photography. Fast forward to today!

Aline, Queen of Customers
Something that makes you smile?
Walking through the flower section of Trader Joes.
Describe yourself in three words.
It's Taco Tuesday.
What do you always carry with you?
The rosary my husband made for me when we were dating. And extra baby socks.
What was a typical day for you growing up?
In South Louisiana, I literally grew up playing by the bayou with my brothers. From trampoline wars to playing school (and forcing my brothers to be the students) and swimming in a pool nonstop during the summer, it sometimes feels like it was the intro to a southern Hallmark movie.
Lined, Dot, or Grid?
Favorite Pen?
Pentel EnerGel Needle Tip 0.3 with Pilot G-2 0.38 as a close second.
Sunday or Monday Start?
Monday forever!
Rounded or Sharp corners?
I do love a soft rounded edge…
How did you come to be a part of Laurel Denise?
As a junior in college, I craved to do something with my hands after focusing so much on studying and staring at computers. Laurel emailed a university listserv that I was a part of looking for an intern and I think I responded within 3 minutes. She graciously agreed to set up an interview, and I offered to do literally whatever she wanted me to just so I could be in a creative studio space again. My first task was creating lots of green paper chains for a jewelry booth at Magnolia in Waco and I was hooked! Now 7 years later, I’m a mama and still get to be part of the team remotely as the customer service gal :)

Mabby, Queen of Management
Favorite holiday?
Christmas. Always.
A good piece of advice you've received?
Do one thing well before you add another.
What's the cutest thing on earth?
Any baby animal! I love them all!
What was a typical day for you growing up?
I grew up on a very large cattle farm with my twin sisters. No cable tv (only Saturday morning cartoons), lots of mud soup making, with sweet tea and hot Virginia summers. Not only did we have lots of critters and animals, but our dirty selves ran free like little animals!
Lined, Dot, or Grid?
Dot, always!
Favorite Pen?
The Pilot Frixion Erasable 0.5 solved all my planner anxieties.
Sunday or Monday Start?
Monday, always and forever!
Rounded or Sharp corners?
Rounded because I'm super clumsy and all sharp corners in my life become bendy.
How did you come to be a part of Laurel Denise?
The Laurel-Mabby combo started back in 1997 when we'd pass notes in high school and Laurel hyper fixated on her script-writing. Fast forward through college, moving, being in each other's weddings, having babies, I started on Team LD when I met "Nancy Design Wizard" in 2014 in a Panera to learn to make the leather bracelets that were the cornerstone of Laurel Denise until 2022. That didn’t last long - 500 bracelets later and my hands were DONE! Fast forward again to 2022 when me and Laurel rescheduled coffee THREE times to finally land on a date where we geeked out on planners and planning for three hours straight. Laurel called me the next day and asked me to be her right hand gal - it was destiny! Too bad we can’t find those high school notebooks…